Who doesn't love eating out?  I know I do.  I love exploring new places and learning the culture of a region.  Dining is an authentic way of experiencing the local flavor.  In photographing restaurants I aim to truly portray the essence of the establishment and how it fits into the local community.  Before creating a restaurant portfolio, I will visit and observe the people, dishes, and atmosphere in order to get a feel for the type of imagery I will create.
  Included in the restaurant portfolio is up to three separate photographing visits.  We work around your schedule.  You know what your restaurant's message is and the best times it is saying it! Afterwards I will edit all your images, and upload them to a private gallery.  I will then come in to give you the full resolution DVDs, along with a DVD of smaller web ready images.  These are used for Facebook, your web page and blog or anywhere online that you need your images.

Go Here to view Nexxcafe's full gallery.

............and be sure to see how it all looks when finished.... 


Visually entice clientele by showcasing your finest with our  imagery.